Going for More in 2024

In the beginning of 2013, with my health declining, the Lord made it clear to me that I needed to take care of my health if I was to be useful to him for the long run. So I started looking at programs to regain my health. I was a high level athlete through college, but had kind of let myself go after that as life took over.

That September, (2013) I tried my first triathlon. After my first one, I knew I had to do at least one more, and there were others who wanted to try it with me. And over the last 10 years, I have found this to be quite helpful.

Over this time, God has revealed to me something about the way I am wired…

I have learned that I will make time to train when I have something to train for. This typically meant that training would start in earnest in March or April as the triathlon season only lasts from June to September in New England. We would schedule a long ride (often a Century Ride) in October, and then for the most part, other than a couple of short road races, my season was over.

In 2021, I did my first half Ironman, and that required 6 months of training, so now my training usually starts in January.

The only problem with this was that by November I was already putting weight on as fall, and the Christmas season, can be time intensive for pastors. By the time I was getting to my doctor for my end of the year physical, the scale (and labs) weren’t necessarily where he would like them to be.

This year was a bit of a different year. I added Clash Daytona when my September race got cancelled, and this was a middle distance (half Ironman distance) race in December. This forced me to make the time to train. For the first time in a few years, my physical went much better.

Over the last few years, I have stretched out my race schedule to, in a sense, force me to make my health a priority. Knowing that my race season is not done forced me to press on towards the goal (in this case, being in shape so that I can finish the race) until the end of the year.

And what about our spiritual life?

We have just finished Advent and Christmas. Easter is months away. Are we planning to “take a couple of months off” until Lent, or worse, get lost in life until Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday (Easter) are here?

As we read Philippians, Paul is in Rome for his faith. And he has done a lot for the cause of Christ, more than any of us. Surely he can take some time off, maybe take some time to rest, or even have a pity party for all the suffering he has gone through for the gospel. Spiritually, if anyone should consider himself as having “arrived at the goal,” it’s him. Surely, he must be “good?” He must know that the prize is waiting for him?

But what does Paul have to say?

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:12-14 NIV

Paul knows that he isn’t done.

All those things he did in the past? Forget about it. He hasn’t arrived. He’s not on the podium. He isn’t content with his place so far in the race. He knows his race isn’t over yet.

And if we are living and breathing, as you are currently reading this, you haven’t arrived at the goal yet either. Your spiritual race isn’t over. We haven’t reached our goal yet… we haven’t gotten the prize yet.

What is the goal? What is the prize? Heaven!

A couple of spiritual giants in my life have been Rev. Dr. Gary Heikkila and the Rev. Dr. Richard Germaine.

Pastor Gary was used by God, not only throughout his life, but right up until the end. He was on my mind when we went to Daytona.

Pastor Dick has been a faithful servant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for longer than I have been alive. And every time I see him, it is clear that he is not only getting closer to seeing Jesus, but he is getting closer to Jesus. He finds different ways to minister, and seems to spend more time with God.

Pastor Gary finished the race strong and received the prize. Pastor Dick, however, isn’t there yet. He knows that he isn’t done.

My “goal” for 2024 is to go for “More in 24.”

Not just more health or athletic achievements (although I know this is a part of it), or more financial stability, or more emotional health, but More of God in 2024.

If I want to see God use me for more in 24, then I need more of Him.

More time with Him. More time in His Word. More time talking with Him (prayer). More time loving Him (and loving others). And as I do this, I know that it will lead to more opportunities to serve Him in the neighborhood and community that He has placed me in.

What am I going to do in order to make this a reality? I am going to need to have a plan. We will be announcing our Bible reading plan this Sunday for 2024. You can feel free to join us or find a plan online.

The best plan is one that you will do.

What am I going to do to spend more time alone with God? For me, I am going to be scheduling days to be away with Him every month. For you, it might be longer, or maybe it is one day when the kids are in school or devoted quiet time scheduled before everyone gets up or after everyone goes to bed at night.

Where will you be spiritually fed? Do you have a Bible believing, Gospel preaching church you attend. You can check us out, or find one closer to you. And who do you have spiritually in your life to keep you on track? (We call this an accountability partner.)

Accountability partners are a great way to keep on track and not give up after 2 weeks or a month…

And what if, as in the case of Paul, it leads to some hardships as our culture turns further away from Christ? Then I know He will give me the strength to get through it in peace and love, and He will do the same for you.

More of You Lord in 2024. May we find ourselves closer to You at this time next year because of the relationship You have allowed us to develop with You this year we pray, in Jesus’ name…

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